File Structure

You might want to see the Website Structure section before reading this.

Each file starts with a special YAML header, which defines information like section, subsection, title, or description. The actual content is written in Markdown.

YAML header

You need to set some variables in each file to make it work with the portal.


Main Page

title: Writing Web Applications
subsection: web-app

section: start-sw
description: An overview of technologies that can be used to write a web application. Including PHP, Django, and Ruby on Rails.

# Page Header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Other Pages

title: Writing Web Applications
subsection: web-app

# Page Header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


  • title (all pages) - Name of the page displayed in menu.
  • subsection (all pages) - ID of subsection. Setting this will:
    • add the page to the ‘list of pages’ menu.
  • section (main page only) - ID of section. Setting this will:
    • add the page to the ‘list of subsections’ menu,
    • mark this page as the main page of your subsection,
    • display the title and description of this file in the ‘subsection header’.
  • description (main page only) - Description of the subsection.
  • order (optional) - A number, used to sort links in the ‘list of pages’ menu.

Sections IDs

Section Name Section IDs
Start a Project
  • start-sw
  • start-hw
  • start-tips
Get Tools
  • tools
Languages & Databases
  • tech-languages
  • tech-database
Deploy & Distribute
  • deployment

Subsections IDs

You can use any ID for your subsection - it should make sense and must not be used before. For example, a subsection about Docker could use ID docker, and a subsection about Creating Web Applications could use ID web-app.